The administrative building of the Electric Power Companies ELEM and EVN is one of the several public buildings with high architectural and aesthetic values build in the afterwar period and before the Skopje earthquake in 1963 (period 1945-1963). The building is designed by the architect Branko Petričić from Belgrade, although in some earlier phases of the designed development architect Miho Čakelja was mentioned as well.
In the initial concept, the building was part of a wider urban and architectural composition; in the built version, however, we see an autonomous vertical, positioned on a very prominent location, in close proximity to the main city square. In its simple prismatic geometry, with the elegant facades, fully glazed or in combination of stripes of glass and marble, the building embodies the principles of the Modern Movement and the International style characteristic for this architectural period in Skopje and represents a symbol of its growth and development in the late 1950s and early 1960s. The “main” façade, oriented towards Macedonia Square (formerly Square Marshal Tito) has a particularly representative treatment, being the first fully glazed (curtain wall) façade in Skopje. The glass was tinted in two shades, indicating the position of the windows/construction and parapets.
Unfortunately, this building belongs to a wider group of valuable architectural legacy in the central city area which was changed beyond recognition with the “Skopje 2014” project. Unable to recognize its architectural qualities and importance, the project violated the buildings authenticity, covering the original façade with quasi-classical elements. At certain point the construction process has been stopped, leaving the transformation unfinished.